Friday, January 15, 2010

Latest family picture taken at my parents house in December. Lord-willing next year there will be a sweet little boy in the picture with us! He is all Jadyn talks about. She and I made snowflakes the other day and she wanted to make him one. She constantly wants to talk about him and prays for him for every meal and bedtime.
I spotted a little the other day bc I overdid it. Of course my mind goes to the worst.... I told my mom I hate thinking that way but the first person I think of is Jadyn .....ok, everything is fine...dont want to chase that rabit.
Jadyn turns four tomorrow. Maybe i'll post some pics of her princess birthday party. The girls are getting their make up done and finger nails and toe nails painted...should be fun...looking so forward to it and for it to be over! haaa


Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Adorable picture, Jill! And I'm excited for you and the baby, too!!! Have a great birthday party!!

Amy said...

Love the picture. Jadyn's hair is beautiful. You take care of your cute pregnant self:)

Donna said...

Precious picture- Jadyn is a Christmas princess with all those blonde curls!

Elyse said...

Everything is going to be great for you guys. So sweet that she's so excited about her little brother!!!

Dena and Robbie said...

Precious. Sweet family and growing.

janice said...

I'm always late with my comments but let me tell you, I am not late with whats in my heart. I love y'all all the time. and Jadyn is getting prettier every day.( she looks like me....sure...I wish)