Tuesday, February 16, 2010

7 months and growing!


Elyse said...

You look great! So cute!

The Hudgins said...

i LOVE it. i am just filled with joy for you guys....we MUST get together!!! would love to meetup sometime.

Donna said...

Yay- belly pics! Keep blogging! You look precious!

The Edwards said...

Look at that sweet belly! I LOVE it and love you :)

Nikki said...

You look great, Jill! I am so happy for you guys, and can't wait to "meet" the little guy!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Didn't even know you were preggars;) I'm so excited for you guys!

--Shelley said...

that is so sweet

Dena and Robbie said...

You are too cute pregnant. Who would have imagined this when we were back at Troy. Wow.