Friday, August 1, 2008

Jadyn Tree

This is a tree that was planted when Jadyn was born. We gave it to Casey's mom for mother's day. It's so crazy how much time is flying by with Jadyn. Just this week she doesn't use her passy "pappy" and she's almost potty trained. It's so sweet yet sad seeing her run around in her panties! I could write more but honestly don't know where to start....another time...


Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

I always wanted to do this and never remembered to/ had time to get it done at the very end of either pregnancies. That is amazing! How special!

Delta Kelly said...

how precious! i love this idea and you are right, the time goes so fast. love you.

Bragans said...

Love the idea of the tree. I enjoy reading your blog and praying for you. Miss you too. Jadyn is absolutely beautiful!



April Brown said...

It's sad that they grow up so fast. My Moo is such a little girl! I look at the girls and just want to freeze time!! Can't wait to see you Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristin said...

What a beautiful way to celebrate her life! How wonderful.

Emily said...

jill, i LOVE the tree idea! i've never heard of that before. how special!